The Three R's Salve - Restore, Repair, Regenerate
This salve is made of Arnica flower, comfrey root, a touch of lavender and peppermint essential oils. An excellent remedy for muscle aches and pains, contractions, and a great postpartum topical pain relief. Fantastic for the aid and repair of bone and tissue. For all muscle and joint pain, including bone repair.
This salve is made of Arnica flower, comfrey root, a touch of lavender and peppermint essential oils. An excellent remedy for muscle aches and pains, contractions, and a great postpartum topical pain relief. Fantastic for the aid and repair of bone and tissue. For all muscle and joint pain, including bone repair.
This salve is made of Arnica flower, comfrey root, a touch of lavender and peppermint essential oils. An excellent remedy for muscle aches and pains, contractions, and a great postpartum topical pain relief. Fantastic for the aid and repair of bone and tissue. For all muscle and joint pain, including bone repair.
Mama Salve
Arnica flower, Comfrey root & Lavender
Reason for being….
To restore and repair tissue and damaged bone. This salve will relieve muscle soreness, and provide relief to sore, tense muscles during labor. This salve can be used prenatally or postpartum to promote relaxation, relieve tension, and strains on tired muscles. It is also helpful to support healing from knee and shoulder replacement surgeries. A lovely, gentle pain reliever, and gently scented for aromatherapy. Made with olive oil and beeswax.
Folk method- pack plant material in a 470 ml jar ½ full, cover comfrey root completely, with a ¼ ‘’ oil over the roots. Seal and place in a warm sunny spot. Oil infuse comfrey root for 8 weeks, shaking daily. Cold press and strain.
Olive oil infuse arnica flowers using the same method as above, but 6 weeks infusion will be sufficient.
Combine ⅜ comfrey oil, and ⅝ arnica to make 1 cup, or 8 fluid oz
8 oz oil, 1 oz beeswax, lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil.
In a double boiler, melt the beeswax, slowly add the oil mixture, and 5-8 drops of lavender, followed by 5-8 drops of peppermint essential oil.
Mix well, and pour into a vessel to harden.